Maya, a 3rd grader from New Delhi, joined the Math Marvel Workshop to improve her math skills.
Maya’s parents confirmed her improvement in math since joining the workshop.
Surprisingly, Maya preferred group classes over other options.
Advantages of group classes include:
Collaborative learning environment fostering camaraderie and healthy competition among students.
Interactive discussions and problem-solving activities enhancing understanding of mathematical concepts.
Learning different strategies and techniques from classmates.
Exposure to diverse approaches, encouraging creative thinking.
Development of communication and presentation skills through regular presentations and discussions.
Supportive and encouraging atmosphere, celebrating each student’s achievements.
The combination of personalized attention from the instructor and the advantages of group classes contributed to Maya’s success.
Maya’s love for math grew, and her abilities soared throughout her journey at the Math Marvel Workshop.
The workshop instilled in Maya a lifelong love for learning and a belief in the power of teamwork.
Maya’s future is now filled with endless possibilities and mathematical adventures.

Parent’s feedback
“Thank you for your guidance and support.
We can observe increase in her confidence level and her positive attitude towards the subject.
That’s all because of you.
Under your guidance, Maya has improved considerably.

We will join back after two-month break.

Will stay connected.

Thanks a lot, once again”

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