A Tribute to Our Ancestors’ Mathematical Mastery

  ****This marvelous piece is an effort of my sister-in-law(Sailaja) who has an excellent hand in creating beautiful designs in Rangolis. In January she looks forward to exhibit her master pieces!   Unraveling the Hidden Algebra in Traditional Rangoli: A Tribute to Our Ancestors’ Mathematical Mastery Introduction: Rangoli, a vibrant and intricate art form, has […]

Balancing Social Commitments and Academic Performance

The Challenge of Balancing Social Commitments and Academic Performance for Parents Parents often face the challenge of balancing their social commitments with ensuring their children perform well academically. This can be a juggling act that requires careful time management, prioritization, and effective communication. Let’s explore the pros and cons of this challenge. Pros of Balancing […]

Going Multilingual

Math Marvel Program going Multilingual. The Math Marvel program, initially started for students, is not only attracting teachers and educators, but also garnering interest from regional teachers. This expansion of interest from teachers in different regions can bring forth numerous benefits for both teachers and students, particularly in reaching students with different medium of instruction. […]

Math Marvel Program-Maya’s story!

  Maya, a 3rd grader from New Delhi, joined the Math Marvel Workshop to improve her math skills. Maya’s parents confirmed her improvement in math since joining the workshop. Surprisingly, Maya preferred group classes over other options. Advantages of group classes include: Collaborative learning environment fostering camaraderie and healthy competition among students. Interactive discussions and […]

The Fine Line Between Emotions and Empathy in Education

Title: Striking a Balance: The Fine Line Between Emotions and Empathy in Education As an educator, the journey of shaping young minds is both rewarding and challenging. We invest our emotions, time, and energy into guiding students, collaborating with teachers, and engaging with parents. However, it is crucial to maintain a delicate balance between emotions […]

Capture the inner Ganesha! The more stable and grounded the more you grow.!

For all those moms who are struggling to manage their restless kids, here is what can be done! The Embodiment of Stability and the Mooladhara Chakra Connection (root chakra) Lord Ganesha is revered as the remover of obstacles and the harbinger of good fortune. Beyond his divine attributes, Ganesha holds a significant connection to the […]

Dedicated Learning Propel Students to Success

Sampat grade 8 is a product of Math marvel workshop, he joined the 5 day workshop, later enrolled for regular math Classes, initially I concentrated only on strengthening his math basics for the last 5 months, His progress in his marks definitely talks about him securing 2nd position in his recent school exams. 

Bridging the Gap: Empowering Teachers and Students Globally

In today’s digital age, the world has become a global village, and the boundaries that once separated us are gradually fading away. As an experienced Math teacher with a keen interest in technology, I have found a way to leverage my expertise to build a vibrant community of educators in India and extend my reach […]